We are Moving!
support the community's growing needs.
A $7.7225 Million Capital Campaign
Public and private philanthropic support is necessary to construct a new fire, rescue, and emergency medical services station for our community. A capital campaign to raise a minimum of $7.7225 million is expected to be launched in early 2022 and conclude in late 2022. Private investments in the campaign may be characterized as a charitable contribution pursuant to Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code. Investors may make their payments immediately or choose to spread over a five-year period or less. In-kind gifts of materials, labor, and services may be accepted, and a variety of naming opportunities will be available.
To understand more about the MRVFR, roll over to read about our
Vision and our Mission.
Since the merger of our parent companies, Station 22 and Station 52, in 2017, the dedicated heroes of MRVFR have made it their mission to protect the Middle River community.
Here are a few milestones in the company’s history.
Middle River Volunteer Fire and Rescue
Wilson Point Station
1100 Wilson Point Rd
Middle River, Maryland 21220
Station Phone: (410) 887-0326
For Emergencies
Dial 911